50 Round Box - 9mm Luger 150 Grain FMJ Subsonic Ammo Made By Sellier Bellot - SB9SUBB

50 Round Box - 9mm Luger 150 Grain FMJ Subsonic Ammo Made By Sellier Bellot - SB9SUBB

50 Round Box - 9mm Luger 150 Grain FMJ Subsonic Ammo Made By Sellier Bellot - SB9SUBB 50 Round Box - 9mm Luger 150 Grain FMJ Subsonic Ammo Made By Sellier Bellot - SB9SUBB
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SKU: SB9SUBB - box

50 Round Box of 9mm Luger 150 Grain FMJ Subsonic Ammofor sale, made by Sellier Bellot

Factory SKU number: SB9SUBB

20 boxes per case

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Customer Reviews

Tested this through a zenith mp5k with a rugged obsidian 45 suppressor. No feeding issues but did notice it was gassy no blowback in the face but after the first magazine my eyes were burning a little bit. I would buy again I was also testing the 158 grain prvi partizan along side this ammo. I like the 158 better but this is definitely more economical and affordable. And would buy it regularly even if it isn't as quiet as the other stuff.
Ok lets get this review going. I put 300 rounds through a glock 19 gen4, with a SGM Tactical Threaded barrel and a 9 inch can. Every round went bang. It was nice pleasure to shoot without wearing hearing protection. I put tight groups on steel targets all day, with BORING consistency. Just cling, cling, cling like an overly attached girlfriend. And just for craps and giggles, I hit a 18"/36" inch steel target @ 140 yards within 2 shots. Go ahead, pull the trigger and buy with confidence.