900 Round Crate - 8mm Mauser 196 Grain FMJ Yugo 1950s M49 Spec Brass Case Corrosive Primed Surplus Ammo

900 Round Crate - 8mm Mauser 196 Grain FMJ Yugo 1950s M49 Spec Brass Case Corrosive Primed Surplus Ammo

900 Round Crate - 8mm Mauser 196 Grain FMJ Yugo 1950s M49 Spec Brass Case Corrosive Primed Surplus Ammo900 Round Crate - 8mm Mauser 196 Grain FMJ Yugo 1950s M49 Spec Brass Case Corrosive Primed Surplus Ammo
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1 or more$579.50
SKU: 8mm-M49-1950s-Crate

900 rounds of of 8mm Mauser 196 grain Yugo 1950s Surplus ammo. This is clean looking brass case ammo with a non-magnetic FMJ bullet. Some of the is ammo may be on stripper clips, some may not, special selection not available. This is 1950s vintage ammo with a corrosive Berdan primer

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